1. step1


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  3. step3


Report A Product Security Issue

Please read our Vulnerability Disclosure Program statement and use the form below to report any vulnerabilities in software, firmware, or products that we support.
Please note that reports may be submitted anonymously, but without contact information we will not be able to contact you for follow-up.

Vulnerability reports should include the following information
- Product name and model in which the vulnerability was discovered
- Version or model number of the product containing the vulnerability
- Types of vulnerabilities (buffer overflow, remote code execution, etc.)
- Potential impact of vulnerability
- Procedure for reproducing the vulnerability
- Proof-of-concept code, attack code, etc.

Communication with you will be by e-mail after you contact via the reporting form.
We recommend using the PGP key to exchange e-mails if it contains sensitive information.
Please read the content of the linked page in advance for notes on vulnerability reports.
Yamaha Motor Group Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP)

Please check your entry again for the field displayed in red.


First Name  Last Name

E-mail Address

Vulnerability Description(Required)

Please check what you have written and click the Agree and go to confirmation button.

【Handling of Customers' Personal Information】

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. and the Company’s group companies (collectively, the “Group”, “we”, “us”, and “our”) explains the handling of personal information of vulnerability reporters ("Reporter") that we obtain through this inquiry form.

1. Purpose of use of personal information
We use the personal information we have obtained from the Reporter for the following purposes. We may also use it in combination with information obtained separately.
- To communicate with the reporter regarding the vulnerability information reported by the Reporter.

2. Provision of Personal Information
We do not provide personal information acquired by us to any third party without the consent of the applicant, unless otherwise required by law.

3.Reporter’s rights
When we receive a request for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, disclosure of records of provision to third parties, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or erasure of personal data concerning a reporter, we , after confirming that the person making the request is the applicant himself/herself or a person authorized by the reporter himself/herself We respond to the request sincerely and appropriately in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
If there is any uncertainty about the information provided, we contact the applicant.
Please note that we may not be able to respond to your request if confirmation cannot be obtained.

4. Handling of personal information
Personal information is handled in accordance with the following Global Privacy Policy.
Global Privacy Policy

Information in this form is transmitted using SSL encryption.